Nutrient nutrients are needed by animals for the formation of body tissues, milk production synthesis, egg synthesis, energy formation, activating enzyme and hormone work and to meet the basic life needs of muscle and organ contractions. The ability of feed to provide energy is an important element as an indicator of the value of the nutrient content

In cattle, the reproduction process can run normally if the nutritional needs of good feed for growth and reproduction can be met optimally. Water, energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins are essential for normal reproductive processes. In addition, the feed nutrients are needed in the process of metabolism, growth and milk production because of cow milk replacement calf milk replacer the reproduction process can run normally if the nutritional needs of good feed for growth and reproduction can be met optimally. Water, energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins are essential for normal reproductive processes.
In addition, nutrients feed is needed in the process of metabolism, growth and milk production. The role of nutritional status to reproductive ability is to initiate a pregnancy, maintain nutrition for normal fetal growth and avoid postpartum complications such as placental retention and milk fever. Insufficient quantity and quality of livestock, ensuring the viability of normal livestock functions including reproductive function.
Low energy content in food can cause ovarian dysfunction and no estrus appearance in adult female cows. Quality nutrient feed should contain carbohydrates and fats as a source of energy, proteins as bodybuilding substances, vitamins and minerals as a compliment in body growth. Lack of one of these nutrients can lead to reproductive disorders. The role of nutritional status to reproductive ability is to initiate a pregnancy, maintain nutrition for normal fetal growth and avoid postpartum complications such as placental retention and milk fever.
Insufficient quantity and quality of livestock, ensuring the viability of normal livestock functions including reproductive function. Low energy content in food can cause ovarian dysfunction and no estrus appearance in adult female cows. Quality nutrient feed should contain carbohydrates and fats as a source of energy, proteins as bodybuilding substances, vitamins and minerals as a compliment in body growth. Lack of one of these nutrients can lead to reproductive disorders
Lack of nutrient feed is one of the causes of decreased reproductive efficiency because it is always followed by reproductive disorders in male and female animals. Long-term dietary deficiencies associated with poor environmental factors may cause some health problems in cows that are thinness, dull fur, ugly skin turgor, slow body growth and lower body resistance to disease. Pre-and postpartum feeding affects reproductive or fertilization activities, the onset of postnatal fertility, duration of uterine involution, weight gain after delivery and pregnancy rate or conception rate.
That some tips from us may be useful. nurturing animals is not as easy as we ask for, it takes a long process to get maximum results. By improving a good management system will have a positive impact on the development and growth of your pet animals